How to Build a Property Graph for Your Business

Are you tired of managing your business data in a traditional relational database? Do you want to explore new ways of organizing and querying your data? If so, you might want to consider building a property graph for your business.

A property graph is a type of graph database that allows you to model your data as nodes (entities) and edges (relationships) with properties (attributes). This model is particularly useful for representing complex and interconnected data, such as social networks, recommendation engines, and knowledge graphs.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of building a property graph for your business. We will cover the following topics:

Understanding the Basics of Property Graphs

Before we dive into the details of building a property graph, let's review some of the basic concepts and terminology.


A node represents an entity in your data model, such as a person, a product, or a location. Nodes can have one or more labels that describe their type, and one or more properties that describe their attributes.

For example, a person node might have the labels "Person" and "Customer", and properties such as "name", "email", and "age".


An edge represents a relationship between two nodes, such as a friendship, a purchase, or a visit. Edges can have one or more labels that describe their type, and one or more properties that describe their attributes.

For example, a friendship edge might have the label "Friend", and properties such as "since" (the date when the friendship started) and "strength" (a measure of how close the friends are).


A property is a key-value pair that describes an attribute of a node or an edge. Properties can be of different data types, such as strings, numbers, booleans, or dates.

For example, a product node might have properties such as "name", "description", "price", and "category".


A label is a string that describes the type of a node or an edge. Labels can be used to group nodes and edges together, and to define constraints and indexes.

For example, a label "Customer" might be used to group all the nodes that represent customers, and to define an index on the "email" property for faster queries.


Cypher is a query language for graph databases that allows you to express complex graph patterns and queries in a concise and readable way. Cypher uses ASCII art syntax to represent nodes, edges, and patterns.

For example, the following Cypher query finds all the customers who bought a product in the "Electronics" category:

MATCH (c:Customer)-[:PURCHASED]->(p:Product {category: 'Electronics'})

Identifying Your Data Sources and Entities

The first step in building a property graph for your business is to identify your data sources and entities. This involves analyzing your business processes, systems, and data sources, and identifying the key entities and relationships that you want to model in your graph.

For example, if you run an e-commerce website, your data sources might include your product catalog, your customer database, your order history, and your web analytics. Your key entities might include products, customers, orders, payments, and web sessions, and your key relationships might include purchases, views, searches, and referrals.

Once you have identified your key entities and relationships, you can start designing your graph schema.

Defining Your Schema and Properties

The second step in building a property graph for your business is to define your schema and properties. This involves defining the labels, properties, and relationships that you want to use in your graph, and mapping them to your data sources and entities.

For example, you might define the following schema for your e-commerce website:

Once you have defined your schema, you can start importing your data into a graph database.

Importing Your Data into a Graph Database

The third step in building a property graph for your business is to import your data into a graph database. This involves transforming your data from its original format (such as CSV, JSON, or SQL) into a format that can be loaded into a graph database.

There are several graph databases that support property graphs, such as Neo4j, Amazon Neptune, and Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB. Each database has its own data import tools and formats, but the general process is similar.

For example, if you are using Neo4j, you can use the following steps to import your data:

  1. Create a CSV file for each node label and edge label, with columns for each property.
  2. Use the LOAD CSV Cypher command to load the CSV files into the graph database.
  3. Use the CREATE INDEX Cypher command to create indexes on the properties that you want to query.
  4. Use the MERGE Cypher command to create nodes and edges based on your data.

For example, the following Cypher command creates a product node and a customer node, and a purchase edge between them:

MERGE (p:Product {name: 'iPhone X', category: 'Electronics'})
MERGE (c:Customer {email: ''})
MERGE (c)-[:PURCHASED {date: '2021-01-01', quantity: 1, price: 999}]->(p)

Once you have imported your data, you can start querying your graph using Cypher.

Querying Your Graph Using Cypher

The fourth and final step in building a property graph for your business is to query your graph using Cypher. This involves writing Cypher queries that express your business questions and use cases, and returning the results in a meaningful way.

Cypher allows you to express complex graph patterns and queries in a concise and readable way, using ASCII art syntax. Cypher supports a wide range of graph operations, such as filtering, sorting, aggregating, and traversing.

For example, the following Cypher query finds all the customers who bought a product in the "Electronics" category, and returns their names and email addresses:

MATCH (c:Customer)-[:PURCHASED]->(p:Product {category: 'Electronics'})

Cypher also supports advanced graph algorithms and analytics, such as centrality, community detection, and pathfinding. These algorithms can help you discover hidden patterns and insights in your data, and optimize your business processes and decisions.

For example, the following Cypher query finds the shortest path between two customers who bought the same product, and returns the path and the common product:

MATCH (c1:Customer)-[:PURCHASED]->(p:Product)<-[:PURCHASED]-(c2:Customer)
WHERE c1 <> c2
RETURN,,, shortestPath((c1)-[*]-(c2)) AS path
ORDER BY length(path) ASC


Building a property graph for your business can be a powerful way to organize and query your data, and gain new insights and opportunities. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can design, import, and query your own property graph, and unleash the full potential of your data.

So what are you waiting for? Start building your property graph today, and see where it takes you!

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